Golden Cevapcici Award :: 2003
Golden Cevapcici Award :: 2005
Most Improved Award :: 2011
consumed a beer... a very rare event at the time! - 2002
Awarded "Cevapcici Consumption Award" for his perseverance
to eat to the second full. Consumed 50+ cevapcici and had the
presence of mind to actually count along the way! - 2003
Severely sprained his ankle only an hour into the weekend.
- 2006
From: Brian Kelley
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 9:11 PM
Subject: Turkey Run--Where the Boys Are
John has taught me more and more about Turkey Run and its history,
I realized that he has excluded women from it all together, rather
intentionally. And now I get this message from a woman trying
to upstage the guys. Just like a fricking chick!!!
You all didn't come up with the idea of a website. You're taking
ours. And as if that weren't bad enough!! Although the website
is not currently better than ours, you CLAIM yours WILL be. As
if you want credit for it already. Jeez!!! (And what's with including
yourself in all the pictures in the "aren't we hot"
You've turned a lovely little gathering of people into a guys
vs. gals competition. I guess this whole thing goes back to women
having more problems than men. They have to win, they're possessive,
materialistic, and jealous (the whole penis envy thing). That's
just the tip of the iceberg, honey. HAHAHA!!
And if you wanted to include pics, you could've added a couple
of more entertaining ones. Even though it didn't happen at turkey
run, you could've included some of the pics (which I know you
have :)) from your little escapade with the guy against the car
in the middle of a public street. It was a turkey run story...that's
good enough. Then there MIGHT be a reason for the guys to visit
your site. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Think about what you've done, missy.
That's all
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