2014 also saw the first official group hike in several years! What started as a group taking the kids across the suspension bridge (aka bouncy bridge, aka shake-shake bridge), turned into a 2+ hour hike of the entire Trail 3! Impressive show of perseverance put on by Mr Grant Berger (4 1/2 yrs) and Jack L, (5 yrs). The ladders were no match for those two! One tradition that didn't quite make a return was the Beer Float... 6-8 people were on the verge of heading to Sugar Valley and aborted the trip at the very last moment. Instead, it turned into a trip to the infamous Flea Market! The first in 10 years for several of the guys! While it was less robust than previous years, there were still some great finds! So how do you recap TR 2014 and not make mention of Crazy Dan's atypical antics? Pain medication following a recent shoulder surgery put him in an interesting prediciment with regards to alcohol... Needless to say, while he was a good boy by some's standards, he had his moments! Ask Julie Berger to share a story about Dan's head meeting our Cabin's air conditioner in the dark of night.... The events that ensued thereafter are sure to become legend told year over year for generations! New faces, including an intense battle for Rookie of the Year, were welcomed to the TR tradition. We also welcomed back a former Rookie of the Year, Brian O'Kelly. We of course, missed some familar faces - most notably, Brian Kelley, who responsibly declined attendance to tend to his studies after a 14 year attendance streak.
"I'm judging you.... Positively!" - Scott "Look at Rishi working that grill! He's really taken the place of my old man, Boris.... And that's tits!" - Crazy Dan "Okay.... Have you ever done Crank?" - Crazy Dan Beers, dogs, babys and bitches.... They all smell fear! - Unknown Am I an unpainted canvas, or what? - Unknown (Crazy Dan?) I've never been so offended by a single person... and I used to sell sex toys! - Ask "Hydrate." - Jeff H "If you took a manakin, shaved it's ass and taught it to walk backwards... That's me." - Jeff H
[Left to Right] Brian O'Kelly, Dave Abel, Dave R (Louis R), Grant Berger, Scott Berger (Carter Berger), Dan Boskovic, Erich Mann (Henry Mann), Rishi Loona, Brian Crissie, Joe Nagle (Brody Nagle), Jeff Berger, Joe, Jack L, OLAF (Jimmy L), Jeff Heitzman (Ethan Heitzman)